Der Frühling, endlich der Frühling. Wie lange hatte sie darauf schon gewartet?! Ihre Mutter hatte ihr erlaubt, barfuß in den Garten zu gehen. Endlich! Das war immer so ein tolles Gefühl unter den Füßen! Die kleine Blondine riss die Terrassentüre auf und hüpfte voller Freude in den Garten. Was für ein herrlicher Duft! Tief sog…

Es begab sich aber zu einer Zeit, da lebten Tiere und Menschen friedlich zusammen. Paradiese voller Hasen, Rehe, Bären, Igel und Füchse, voller Wildbienen, Hummeln, Schmetterlinge und Vögel. Voll Gezwitscher, voll Gesumme und Gebrumme. Wunderschön lagen diese Kinderstuben der Natur direkt neben Siedlungen von Menschen, gingen ineinander über, respektierten sich ¬– in absoluter Harmonie. Doch…

The Bee-Team

That had been the strangest morning ever. The whole town seemed to be overflowing with strangers. Even soldiers were helping to direct the traffic because the police were overwhelmed. Helicopters continuously flew overhead. And of course, there were camera drones in the airspace above the city. Sophie, Paula, Isabella, Elena, Emma and Jules had been…

The Bee-Team

The alarm clock made Romy and Oskar jump. Boy, were they still tired! What a night that had been! „Come on, get up,“ shouted the „alarm clock,“ also known as Mum, into the children’s room. Somehow, they were both feeling sleepier than usual. Romy looked sleepily at Oskar, he looked back at her. It took…

The Bee-Team

This story took place at a time when animals and humans lived peacefully together. A paradise full of hares, deer, bears, hedgehogs and foxes, full of wild bees, bumblebees, butterflies and birds. Full of chirping, humming and buzzing. These nature nurseries lay beautifully right next to human communities, they merged into each other, respected each…

Now available – worldwide: The Bee-Team! Six-year-old Oskar and his four-year-old sister Romy from the Tumbawunda Valley make a dreadful discovery in the spring: there is no humming or buzzing anywhere. Have the wild bees in the garden gone? And there’s more. There are far fewer birds in the garden, fewer rabbits in the field….