The Bee-Team

The temperatures had risen, and summer was approaching with the second unusually strong heatwave of up to 35 degrees Celsius. To everyone’s surprise, they had already struggled with almost 30 degrees Celsius in February, but most people had been happy about the warm temperatures rather than worried. And with the current weather, there was a…

The Bee-Team

The day was drawing to a close, the sun was slowly setting on the far side of the field, where three field hares were sitting. They were surrounded by everything that crept and flew in the woods and meadows, everything that buzzed and crawled around, everything that hummed and hissed. The whole animal kingdom of…

The Bee-Team

That had been the strangest morning ever. The whole town seemed to be overflowing with strangers. Even soldiers were helping to direct the traffic because the police were overwhelmed. Helicopters continuously flew overhead. And of course, there were camera drones in the airspace above the city. Sophie, Paula, Isabella, Elena, Emma and Jules had been…

The Bee-Team

The alarm clock made Romy and Oskar jump. Boy, were they still tired! What a night that had been! „Come on, get up,“ shouted the „alarm clock,“ also known as Mum, into the children’s room. Somehow, they were both feeling sleepier than usual. Romy looked sleepily at Oskar, he looked back at her. It took…

The Bee-Team

Spring, spring at last. She had been looking forward to it for so long! Her mother had finally allowed her to go into the garden in her bare feet. The grass felt so good beneath her feet! The little fair-haired girl slid open the patio door and jumped happily into the garden. Oh, what a…

The Bee-Team

This story took place at a time when animals and humans lived peacefully together. A paradise full of hares, deer, bears, hedgehogs and foxes, full of wild bees, bumblebees, butterflies and birds. Full of chirping, humming and buzzing. These nature nurseries lay beautifully right next to human communities, they merged into each other, respected each…

Sie bezaubern die Leser, sie bezaubern auch Dich! Niemals in der Menschheitsgeschichte zuvor hat der blaue Planet, haben die Lebewesen darauf, so sehr Hilfe gebraucht. Und jetzt sind sie da. Seit diesem Jahr ist das Buch „Das Bee-Team – Marshals“ erhältlich. Und die Leser, die ihre Augen vor der Realität, der physikalischen, der gesellschaftlichen, der…

Wir wünschen euch ein fröhliches und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest. Und eins ist klar: Wir kommen alle gemeinsam durch diese schwere Zeit – wir sind EIN Team! Liebste Grüße von allen Märchenwesen, allen Mitgliedern der Weißen Libelle, des Bee-Teams, aus der geheimen Geheimstadt des Weihnachtsmanns und von allen Rittern der Blauen Rose