Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

WHIZZ! WHIZZ! WHIZZ!  The elves, Butterflies, Santa and Mrs Claus shot around the frozen secret lake in Santa’s Secret City at the North Pole. Snowflakes were dancing through the air, being wafted around by the ice skaters. Countless torch flames created a romantic atmosphere at the lake’s edge. The Christmas Elves’ Philharmonic played Christmas carols…

Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!  Snowballs were whizzing through the air in Santa’s Secret City here at the North Pole.  Zing, zing, zing!  Martha ducked and ran zigzags beneath the oncoming masses of snow, delivering new snow ammunition to her brave team.  They were standing on the north-east tower of Snowball Fight Castle, bombarding their attackers like…

Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

A golden comet fell from the sky, shining brighter than the sea of stars. A little more snow fell and covered Santa’s Secret City like a layer of icing sugar.  Martha and Darfo cuddled up together. They’d finished work for the day and the factory was closed.  “Hee, hee, hee!” giggled the two elves cuddling…

Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

Complete and utter silence…  The working day was done. Peace and quiet reigned in Santa’s Secret City up at the North Pole. Snowmen with wings were dotted all over the place, and the butterflies and elves had built a castle for having snowball fights in.  Father Christmas was sitting in his rocking chair on the…

Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

The sweet smell of candy floss, biscuits and sherry wafted around Santa’s Secret City at the North Pole. The whole place was buzzing with activity. The elves dashed about frantically and the reindeer were galloping around a specially built snow test track. The phoenix and the electric blue fireflies were making ice sculptures by melting…

Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

The darkness of night was broken by the perfect glow of golden, twinkling stars. Softly fell the snow.  Father Christmas was sat on the veranda after work, creaking to and fro in his rocking chair and enjoying a nice cup of hot honey with a hint of tea. The phoenix had settled down in Santa’s…

Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

The snow fell softly on Santa’s Secret City at the North Pole. The odd silhouette flitted from door to door in the darkness. Indoors, the whole place was a hive of activity.  Butterfly boys Johnny and Darfo held their ears to the wooden door:  Bang, bang! Clunk, clunk! Hammer, hammer!  “This is where the girls’…

Wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschichten für jeden Tag gibt es in dem Büchlein "24 + 1 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Santas geheime Geheimstadt" zu erleben.

The snow fell softly on Santa’s Secret City at the North Pole. Frost decorated the window panes in flowery patterns and candlelight flickered in the windows of some of the buildings, where people had already started work.  Clunk, went the stamp. Clunk!  Stamp it and pass it on… The butterfly grabbed it and dashed off….